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Jolly Phonics

Jolly Phonics is a fun-filled method of teaching the phonetic sounds of English.  Children will learn the name and sound of letters, providing them with the basic skills to begin reading and writing in English.

Jolly Phonics是一個充滿趣味性的英語發音教學方法, 從遊戲中小朋友會學董每個字母的正確發音, 從而學會機本的閱讀及書寫技巧。
Cambridge YLE



Cambridge YLE (Starters, Movers, Flyers) is a comprehensive English learning course aimed at developing the four main skill areas of English - reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Each child will recieve a free assessment to ensure they are learning at the appropriate level.

劍橋英語是一個全面的英語學習課程, 幫助兒童發展閱讀, 書寫、會話及聆聽這四大範疇之技巧。我們會為每位報讀這課程之小朋友進行評估, 確保每位小學員在適當的英語水平及環境下學習。
Trinity GESE


Trinity GESE is a course designed to prepare students for graded examinations in spoken English.  The three levels make it a suitable fit for children of any English level to sharpen and develop their speaking and listening skills.

Trinity GESE 是專為學生應付升級考試而設計之課程。課程分三個不同程度, 照顧不同英語水平之兒童的需要, 幫助他們改進及發展英語會話與聆聽之技巧。
CastleKids Storyland


CastleKids Storyland is a fun, original class aimed at younger children.  Each class will focus on a different story and new vocabulary will be introduced weekly.  Word games and short speaking exercises will help our young learners develop their confidence and comprehension skills.

CastleKids Storyland是專為年紀較小之兒童而設, 目標是透過不同的有趣原創故事, 讓兒童每星期學習到新的英文詞彙。 此外, 年幼的學員可從文字遊戲及簡短的英語交談中,學習閱讀理解的技巧及建立自信。
CastleKids SRW


CastleKids SRW focuses on helping older children in their speaking, reading and writing.  Students will take part in creative writing and reading comprehension exercises, as well as practice advanced grammar.

CastleKids SRW 是為年紀較大之兒童而設, 主要是幫助他們改善會話, 閱讀及書寫之能力。學員會參與創作寫作, 閱讀理解及進階文法等練習。

CastleKids Junior Chefs


CastleKids Junior Chefs (Age 4+) is an English cooking class for our young budding, chefs! Children will learn all about hygiene, nutrition and healthy eating through a hands-on approach to cooking. Each class introduces a new, healthy recipe that your child can take home to share!

CastleKids Science Lab


CastleKids Science Lab gives children an introduction to science topics around us, including a variety of themes such as temperature, chemistry and sound. Children learn important, practical vocabulary while having fun through the interactive hands-on activities.

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